What is a custom post type?
Let’s find out what custom post types are in WordPress. To put it simply, you can say that you are creating an additional Post menu that appears when you first install WordPress. For example, when a client wants to run “Notices” and “Newsroom,” two custom post types are created so that they can be easily managed. You may be asking, “Can’t we separate announcements and newsrooms into categories?” It is possible, but it is difficult to manage the jumble of announcement posts and category posts in the admin.
<figure class="wp-block-embed is-type-video is-provider-youtube wp-block-embed-youtube wp-embed-aspect-16-9 wp-has-aspect-ratio">
<div class="wp-block-embed__wrapper"><iframe title="Create a directory using Elementor, ACF & CPT UI" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/SIuLFU1pD-8?start=895&feature=oembed" width="800" height="450" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" data-mce-fragment="1"></iframe></div></figure>
If you are using elementor, you can easily build it by referring to the video above. It is easier to build if you use Croco’s Jet Engine. However, Croco’s jet smartfilter is still a bit slower than search and filter pro. If you plan to expand to filters in the future, it is better to use cpt UI.
What is CPT UI?
This plugin allows you to create custom post types. When you first install WordPress, there will be only POST in the left menu. As mentioned earlier, you can think of it as creating Post2.
What is ACF?
This plugin functions to add tags to posts of custom post types. Also called metafield. The tag can be a variety of information such as files, images, tags, text, and ratings. You can distribute custom posts on archive pages with Elemento Loop Grid.
Search and filter pro
It was really annoying that Croco Smart Filter took 2-3 seconds to load. I was impressed to see that search and filter pro loaded incredibly quickly. It is more difficult to use than the smart filter. You may have to decorate it yourself with CSS. However, when looking only at speed, search and filter pro is superior. Smart Filter is also said to be releasing a speed patch soon.. Indeed.. haha.
It becomes quite fun when you can freely manipulate custom post types, meta fields, and filter programs with WordPress. If there are more blog posts or WooCommerce products, people will naturally become interested. If you are still only creating static pages with the builder, you can also create custom post types.